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Pain confiserie chocolaterie
Autres pain confiserie chocolaterie
Description : BISCUITERIE BIOLOGIQUE SANS GLUTEN Et/ou sans lactose et/ou 100% végétal et/ou sans sucre à base de farine de sarrasin
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : plantes séchées feuilles séchées Biologiques:
menthe verte var. Nânaâ, verveine, eucalyptus, bigaradier, pyrethre, petit houx, origan, myrte, mousse de cèdre et de chêne, menthe pouliot, marjolaine, lierre, lentisque pistachier, camomille sauvage, cypres, thym, romarin, laurier, sauge, rose, aneth, pisse,
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : plantes aromatiques séchées feuilles séchées Biologiques:
menthe verte var. Nânaâ, verveine, eucalyptus, bigaradier, pyrethre, petit houx, origan, myrte, mousse de cèdre et de chêne, menthe pouliot, marjolaine, lierre, lentisque pistachier, camomille sauvage, cypres, thym, romarin, laurier, sauge, rose, aneth, pisse,
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Huiles essentielles
Description : Huiles essentielles Biologiques:
romarin, myrte, thym, cèdre, menthe pouliot, cypres, origan, eucalyptus, rose
Autres huiles
Description : Huile de Pépins d\'opuntia Ficus Indica Biologique
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Vendo directamente en grande cantidad la Liriotropo
Je vends directement en grande quantité la Liriotropo (gimgembre sauvage)
I sell directly the Liriotropo plant with good quantity.
Alimentation animale
Qualite France
Animaux domestiques
Description : Nos produits biologiques apportent une excellente alimentation pour vos animaux domestiques et représente un atout santé.
Produits sucres
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Autres produits sucres
Description : Our Organic Agave Syrup which is a natural sweetener extracted from the Blue Agave. (an endemic cactus from central Mexico, the one used to make Tequila)
This is a fantastic product because it sweetens 1.5 times more than sugar and it only has 17.1 Glycemic index, which makes it safe for diabetic consumers. (Just for you to know, bee honey has more than 50 glycemic index)
It is highly soluble so it can be enjoyed in beverages, coffee, tea, pastries, fruit, etc.

This product is great also for people who care about their health, because it helps to prevent diabetes, heart problems, and keeps people in good shape, by reducing dramatically the amount of glucose consumed.

Our product is approved by the USA FDA. It has USDA - BCS-OKO Garantie Certificate of Organic, and Kosher for Jewish consumers.
Produits diététiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : Our Organic Agave Syrup which is a natural sweetener extracted from the Blue Agave. (an endemic cactus from central Mexico, the one used to make Tequila)
This is a fantastic product because it sweetens 1.5 times more than sugar and it only has 17.1 Glycemic index, which makes it safe for diabetic consumers. (Just for you to know, bee honey has more than 50 glycemic index)
It is highly soluble so it can be enjoyed in beverages, coffee, tea, pastries, fruit, etc.

This product is great also for people who care about their health, because it helps to prevent diabetes, heart problems, and keeps people in good shape, by reducing dramatically the amount of glucose consumed.

Our product is approved by the USA FDA. It has USDA - BCS-OKO Garantie Certificate of Organic, and Kosher for Jewish consumers.
Description : hemp clothes
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Shea butter NOP certified and ECOCERT certified
Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : any products with shea butter
Céréales dérivés
Oléagineux, protéagineux (colza, tournesol, soja, sésame, pois, fèves)
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Description : All of the products processed and offered by Orgenetics are handled, analyzed and supervised by the quality control department. From the procurement, and the receiving, to the processing and packaging, is done in accordance to strict quality control and organic handling procedures. The products we offer you are guaranteed fresh (except for seasonal items).

Vanilla beans are grown in four main areas of the world. Each region produces vanilla beans with distinctive characteristics and attributes.

Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa, is the largest producer of vanilla beans in the world. The term Bourbon applies to beans grown on the Bourbon Islands - Madagascar, Comoro, Seychelle and Reunion. There is no connection with the liquor produced in Kentucky in the United States. Madagascar Bourbon vanilla is considered to be the highest quality pure vanilla available, described as having a creamy, sweet, smooth, mellow flavor.
Uganda is in the east Africa and producing excellent Bourbon quality of Vanilla Beans.
Indonesian Vanilla is woody, astringent and phenolic.
Mexico, where the vanilla orchid originated, now produces only a small percentage of the harvest. Mexican vanilla is described as creamy, sweet, smooth and spicy.
One of the major vanilla-producing regions is Tahiti. Tahitian vanilla, grown from a different genus of vanilla orchid, is flowery, fruity, and smooth.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
Huiles essentielles
Description : organic essential oils

Orgenetics distributes superior oils from the finest crops and most reputable distilleries. These oils are 100% undiluted therapeutic quality oils from steam distillation of quality crop material. All of our essential oils have been accurately and scientifically tested to promise you superior oil with premium keynotes for the ultimate aroma therapeutic experience.

Our products are extracted with the delicate aromatic and volatile essences from tropical spices and botanicals.

Many of Orgenetics Oils are tested by gas chromatography analysis and specifications on the volatility and integrity to ensure its Pure Therapeutic Quality.

Basil Oil - Ocinumb Basilicum
Bergamont Oil- Citrus Aurantium Reticulata
Chamomille Matricaire Oil- Matricaria Chamomilla
Cinnamon Leaf Oil - Cinnamomum cassia
Cinnamon Bark Oil -Cinnamomum cassia
Clove Bud Oil - Eugenia Caryophyllus
Coriander Oil (Seed)
Eucalyptus Globulus Oil, Citriodora and Radiata Geranium oil- (Pelargonium graveolens)
Juniper Oil - Juniperus Communis
Lavandin Grosso, Abrialis, Super
Lavender Oil - Lavandula Angustifolia
Lemon Oil - Citrus linonum
Lemongrass Oil - Cymbopogonon Flexuosos
Orange Oil - Citrus Sinensis
Orange Bitter - Citrus Aurantium
Patchouli Oil
Palma Rosa Oil
Pepper Black Oil - Piper Nigrum
Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita)
Pomegranate Seed Oil
Rosemary Oil - Rosmarinus Oficinalis
Tea Tree Oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia
Vanilla Extract - Vanilla Planifolia
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
